Manual Installation

If you decide to configure your RasPyre nodes manually you need to perform several steps.


Please ensure that you are running a Linux distribution with a configured real time kernel.

Software Installation

Install a suitable Python interpreter (3.5+).

On a Debian based system:

# apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-pip

Install the OLSRd routing daemon:

# apt-get install olsrd

Install the RasPyre python package:

# python3 -m pip install raspyre

Install one or more sensor drivers (e.g. the raspyre-mpu6050 package):

# python3 -m pip install raspyre-mpu6050

Network configuration

Configure your network adapters, so that your meshing interface is identified by mesh0. Configure the udev subsystem, that the WiFi adapter that should provide the portal access point is renamed to ap0.

Start up the OLSR daemon. A sample configuration file can be found the in the conf directory of the RasPyre distribution.

RPC daemon configuration

Configure the RasPyre RPC service to start up as a daemon. A systemd unit file is provided in the conf directory:

Description=Raspyre RPC Server Backend

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/raspyre-rpcserver --logfile /home/pi/raspyre-rpc.log /home/pi/data/ --verbose



Ensure that the process is run with proper rights to request real time priority CPU scheduling up to priority 90.